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Monday, May 2, 2011

My defensive position

I'm getting a little aggravated today with all the Obama hate. Poor guy looks like he's aged 50 years and despite everything he's done for us, people still always find a reason to complain. Sounds like the majority lately, biting the hand that feeds you.

I keep seeing alot of facebook posting about how Obama didn't kill Bin Laden and whatnot and all this hate focused on him at the moment. This is what's called "being ungrateful". I'm not sure which part of the entire operation people don't understand, but one thing they should is that in the end...he is the one person to call all the shots, and he's called every shot that's lead up to the point in finding the bastard. He's the intelligence that put the intelligence in the right places, he's the one that decided how to attack, he's the one that's been behind all the legwork done to get this far. Everybody forgets that though, and instead says "oh well those navy seal guys should get all the credit", no as a matter of fact...they shouldn't. I'm thrilled for the soldiers doing their job and I'm happy to sleep comfortable in my home at night knowing they are out there defending me,'s not like they've been the masterminds behind the entire thing the past few years. They just did their job at that moment, something anyone could have been assigned to do and anyone could have taken credit for. Give credit where credit is due.

They did exactly what they were told to do. Now, saying this...does it make sense for me to take credit for a companys success mainly because I work at the front desk managing all the customers? Or should credit be due more so to the main man handling the monies and assigning the right people in the right places?

Ok moving on. Next thing that got me all huffy was someone making comment on how everyone is celebrating his death, how we're all messed up people for doing it and how now she wants to move because this country has gone to hell. Ok...Move then. Sounds better than the alternative of showing more of your own version of hatred. If someone states flat out that the moment they catch me out there they will kill me, my children, my family and all of my friends because we all should die and are lower then they are, you better believe I'm going to feel IMMENSE relief the moment I know they are gone for good. I don't care what that makes me.

Also lastly. I've seen a few people state how fishy the suddeness of the entire thing was. It's not fishy, we haven't known about it because it was TOP SECRET. I don't generally leave a message on my answering machine that I'm avoiding all the bill collectors but that they can find me at this number also because I'm trying to be sneaky about the whole thing. The fact that this has been an ongoing thing for a while should also count for something.

Everybody is so ready to think the worst about every situation it makes me sad. I've got enough problems of my own to be blamig the gov for everything wrong in my life also (though maybe a few things they are partly responsible for). I hear alot of people saying "well you voted him in!" you're right, I did. I'd like to take this moment right now to state that I did because he's got a backbone, and despite all of the bad mouthing everyone has done to him..he's still doing what he has to do so that all of us can rest safely at home and not worry so much about our own futures.

I feel bad for Obama, I truly do. No matter what he does there will always be someone to smack his hand away from helping them, or take what he offered and then yell at him for giving it to them. It's a no win situation, but at least he had the guts to take the position. Credit for that completely.

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